How to beat the real estate blues: 8 steps

23.02.23 05:17 PM Comment(s) By NurtureWorq

Whether you're a real estate agent or someone who has their own business, everyone has good days and bad days. There are certain times when getting out of bed is just impossible. You just can't seem to get motivated to do anything at all — let alone go outside and meet new people! When that happens, as an entrepreneur who relies on building client relationships and selling services or products, it can feel like everything is falling apart all at once. In those moments when life feels so overwhelming that not even Netflix will help me escape it... this is the survival guide.

1. Take some time off

Don't hesitate to take some time off. Take a vacation, take a personal day, take a sick day… (or if you're feeling particularly brave) take a mental health day!

There are no rules on how long your breaks should be. However long it takes for you to feel like yourself again is what matters most right now.

2. Get motivated to do more cold calling

Do you know that old saying, "know thyself"? I think it's time to give that a go.

The first step is to acknowledge what you're good at and where your strengths lie—no matter how obvious or embarrassing they may be. For example, maybe you love cold calling and can't get enough of it. Or maybe you hate talking on the phone but would rather die than write another email (which is totally okay). Just be honest about what works for you so we can start working together on getting better!

You may think that being an agent means meeting people face-to-face in real life instead of dealing with them over the phone or through email...but not all agents are like that. In fact, most aren't! You need every tool at your disposal if you want to succeed in this business: whether it's a broom or a computer keyboard or something else entirely depends on who YOU are as an agent—not anyone else."

3. Find a mentor

The next step to beating the real estate blues is finding a mentor. This can be someone you already know and trust, or it could be someone you don’t yet know. A mentor can be anyone who has been in the industry longer than you, or perhaps they have experience in another area of business that will help guide you through your challenges as an agent. Mentors are great because they will give advice on your business but also on how to handle day-to-day challenges as well as personal ones. Mentors can help with everything from marketing to mindset and everything in between!

4. Start networking

Real estate is a people business. It is about relationships and referrals. And, as we all know, most of us are pretty terrible when it comes to making friends and speaking up for ourselves. So how can you network better?

  • Put yourself out there: The more you put yourself out there, the more likely it is that someone will notice you and want to build a relationship with you—and in real estate, relationships are everything! So say hello to everyone on your street when they walk by; invite someone from another company over for dinner; get involved in community groups or volunteer opportunities around town; even post something funny on Facebook or Twitter! The point here is simple: remember that everyone has something interesting about them and don’t be afraid of being vulnerable either because this makes people feel safe around them (which encourages them to open up).

  • Create opportunities: Once someone knows who I am, then I can start talking about what it means for them (or their clients) if they know me too! By creating opportunities like these before they happen though instead of waiting until afterwards means everything else falls into place much easier because now those same contacts are already thinking positively about me which makes everything else easier still. For example: If ____ needs help finding an apartment then maybe we should consider doing something together like attending one event each month together so both parties benefit equally from our mutual efforts. ."

5. Get your game on with social media

You need to get your game on with social media, and here's why:

  • Social media marketing will help you expand your business. You can use it to market yourself, network with other agents, and find new listings and buyers for your clients.

  • It'll help you build trust and authority, so you're perceived as an expert in real estate. In turn, this will make it easier for people to hire or recommend you when they need a broker or agent.

6. Rekindle old client relationships

  • You have to start somewhere.

  • You have to put in work and you have to get out there and actually ask people if they know anyone who might need a real estate agent.

  • These are your clients, so ask them! Not only will they appreciate you asking, but they may also be able to give you some great insight into potential buyers who would be good fits for your services. They could even recommend you directly to their friends or family members!

  • If all goes well, it could lead to more business for both of you!

7. Ask for referrals

  • Ask for referrals. The best leads are the ones that come from your current clients, and the best way to get referrals is simply by asking.

  • How? If you've just closed on one of your listings and the buyers were happy with their experience, ask them if they know anyone who would be interested in buying a house within six months. You can even make it a little more formal than that by sending out a personal letter or note card with a thank-you gift (a pack of gum works wonders).

  • Why do they work so well? People are more likely to buy from someone they know and trust, which is why referrals have such an excellent conversion rate.

8. Change your mindset, not your job.

If you're feeling overwhelmed and/or disheartened by the state of your business, it's time to take control of how you think about things. We all go through ups and downs in life. What makes the difference between success and failure is often not intelligence or talent but attitude! So don't give up! Be more positive! Think outside of the box! And if I've said this once, I've said it a thousand times: Ask for help when you need it. Friends are there for a reason—to support us in our darkest hours (and they'll probably have some great ideas too).


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